On this page, you will find the various books I have published. As I continue to publish, this page will provide a comprehensive list of what is available where. Please click on the title you are interested in to find out how to get a copy.
I hope you enjoy reading the range of titles as much as I enjoyed writing them. There are plenty more to come, so keep coming back to check.
Here you will find my fiction (poetry and short fiction) as well as non-fiction titles.
I wrote this book because writers get blocked. It’s frustrating and annoying. This short book shares several techniques and perspectives that will help writers deal with what’s blocking them and move on with writing. It’s a practical book with an exercise in each chapter, a reflection question and key takeaways. Watch the explainer video HERE.
The idea of the book is to get you and keep you writing so that you can become a better writer. But it contains no tips for your content: just your writing process. I have come to believe that, not only is writer’s block inevitable, it is a necessary part of the process of writing anything. To overcome it, you must act.
This little book will help you whether you are a seasoned professional writer or an absolute beginner. The insights and advice are based on my experience from the 40 years I have been writing… distilled into their most simple form and shared here to help you get back to writing and to keep on going. It’s not about how good a writer you are, only if you are writing.
Poetry happens, just like life, when you are making plans. The poems of B-Sides were written in the ten years between ‘For You Or Someone Like You’ and ‘With All Of You.’
My previous two collections have been time-related projects… one launched on Facebook, and one on Patreon. ‘B-Sides’ is completely the opposite. It is a selection of all the poems I wrote in between those two projects. The everyday poetry that gets stashed in the bottom draw and almost forgotten. The words tracking a changing life, an evolving perspective. As such it is thematically and stylistically more diverse whilst remaining recognisably my voice.
The idea for the title was born in conversation with Jason Curtis, who suggested the play on words from ‘Besides’ to ‘B-Sides’ as a way of grouping such a diverse collection. Just as bands used to always have a quirky, less commercial B-side to every single released, this is another side of my writing.
Watch the story of this book’s origins HERE
With All Of You is a collection of poems selected from the greater body of work that David Chislett published on Patreon.com over a 30-month period starting before the pandemic.
Watch the story of making the book HERE!
The 49 poems in this collection are edited, rewritten and polished versions of the original works published on the site.
‘I have been experimenting with social media or digital platforms and poetry since 2010,’ explains David of this latest book, ‘This book would not have been possible without the Patreon platform, the Patrons who have contributed to its existence and the live events that I often wrote poems for.’
eBook, AudioBook and Print-on-demand versions available from the link below.
View the multi-media collaboration versions HERE
The Entrepreneur’s Emotional Toolbox is now available exclusively from this website. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, or just thinking about going out on your own, this small book is jam packed with tips and tricks and useful strategies to keep you sane and healthy while making a success of your business idea.
This FREE downloadable book is for anyone who earns a living without holding down a full-time job contract. The Toolbox focuses on the human element of not holding down a job: what can you expect, what should you prepare for, how do you deal with being a self-starter every single day?
A Body Remembered is my debut collection of short stories, first published in August 2009.
The book contains fifteen stories that range from straight-out horror tales to curious slice of life vignettes from the underbelly of South African urban life.
“David Chislett’s short stories are quirky and off-beat. Gritty and rough-hewn, they are yet infused with a flickering lyricism. A Body Remembered gives us shards of experience; flashes of dark revelation.”
– David Medalie, 2008 Pringle Short Fiction Prize Winner.
A short video explaing how the book came to be written and published:
The poems in For You Or Someone Like You were drawn from an 18 month period when I was posting a poem a day on Facebook. None of the poems published on the site were re-worked or edited in any way, merely published straight from my imagination to Facebook. From nearly over four hundred poems, this collection of 90 was selected, edited and published.
Watch the video versions of ten musical collaborations HERE
Listen to the audio of the 10 song version HERE
is a unique guide booked aimed at NEW bands, musicians and managers who do not as yet have affirm grasp of the sub divisions, complexities and pitfalls of the modern music business in South Africa.
It takes the very, very beginning basics of what a band needs from the point of view of equipment, attitude, marketing, and blends it with practical advice, anecdotal back-up and illustrations to provide a guide to help new musicians get themselves going in this competitive environment. Ideal for absolute beginners as well as professionals, it is a text that is aimed at helping musicians of ALL genres develop their careers in such a way that they are geared for success from their very first steps into the public eye and BEFORE!
Plenty of inspiration, stories, facts and research in the articles I publish. I write about creative events, thinking and research… anything that has creativity hidden in it. Read the articles…
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Creativity will save the world. I share tips, tools and techniques for creative thinking based on scientific research and personal experience. Problem solving is creativity. More about speaking…
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