Be More Creative

Be More Creative on YouTube

Why You Should Be More Creative

Be More Creative is a microlearning video series hosted in YouTube. It demystifies the creative process in 16 bite-sized videos to help anyone get better at problem solving, ideation, innovation and adapting to change.

HOW to be More Creative

In the series, I take you through some basic yet powerful techniques for accessing the creativity you already possess. I do not believe that there is a single human being on planet earth who is not creative. But I know that not everyone understands how to access this incredible, life changing capacity. Make sure you can be adaptable as the future requires by being more creative.

Be More Creative aims to change that.

Enjoy At Your Leisure

  • Videos are between 1 and 2 minutes & share a key insight into the workings of creativity.
  • In the video notes, there is an exercise you can do wherever you are to practice the information shared in the video AND I have included extra material for further reading or viewing to help you dive deeper into the subject.
  • It’s completely free, on YouTube and available for you to binge-watch right now.
  • Click below to start the entire playlist

WHAT is Be More Creative?

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