And the culprit? Why, making a living of course. I am in the middle of generating a large pile of learning materials on a contract. It has been pretty demanding for the last month, but my head finally got too crowded with the world of my novel and the world of this training course!
Oddly enough, it was fine when we were still busy with the highly technical business of dotting I’s and crossing t’s for the accreditation process. Now that we have slipped into actual content generation, I find I am unable t split my focus THAT much! In addition the deadlines are pretty hectic.
BUT this is the work that is buying me the time to write this book in the first place, so this is not really sour grapes or anything. This novel has been 3 years in the making already. A delay of two weeks translates roughly into a delay of 2 chapters… and that I can deal with frankly! Also, so many interesting things have been happening with my ideas around the novel and its progress that I welcome the time to let some of that stew for a bit before proceeding!
The establishment of foundation phase of the novel is done and I am now wading out into the deep waters of the narrative and plot development… time for a pause of reflection methinks! In any event, as I said, in two weeks the most writing intensive phase of the contract will be over and I can get back to salving away on the novel.
By then it will be winter really… certainly gloomiest and darkest autumn. Already I cannot leave for my run at 6am sharp if I want to run round Emmerentia… sunrise to sunset those gates open and if you get there too early, it can be an annoying and COLD wait for them to open up!
So, this by way of extended explanation for the lack of novel updates this week. Oh, did I mention I had to work through the public holiday!??!?!
Happy weekend!
Don’t forget its Large On The Lawn on Sunday… you must come to this great unplugged festival if you are in JHB… come and say hello!
Plenty of inspiration, stories, facts and research in the articles I publish. I write about creative events, thinking and research… anything that has creativity hidden in it. Read the articles…
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Creativity will save the world. I share tips, tools and techniques for creative thinking based on scientific research and personal experience. Problem solving is creativity. More about speaking…
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